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Frequently Asked Questions about Tripadvisor Instant Booking

Getting Started:

Working with your accounts:

Working with reservations:

Where can I learn more about Tripadvisor Instant Booking?

How much does ThinkReservations charge for Instant Booking reservations?

ThinkReservations charges a 3% commission on stayed reservations that come from Tripadvisor Instant Booking. This is separate from the 12-15% commission that Tripadvisor charges.

Can I use both CPC and Instant Booking?

Yes. You can use multiple Tripadvisor products simultaneously.

Can I give Tripadvisor special or different pricing?

No. Tripadvisor has access to your public booking engine. Whatever lowest public pricing is available to a guest booking on your own website, Tripadvisor guests will have the same. However, if a coupon code or customer group is required, then Tripadvisor cannot see it.

Can I set blackout dates for Instant Booking?

No. If you create a blackout in ThinkReservations, it will also blackout Tripadvisor. You cannot create a blackout specifically for Tripadvisor. You cannot have unique or special availability that is just for Tripadvisor.

Is Instant Booking a tool that is only for properties?

No. and Expedia also occasionally purchase Instant Booking for their properties.

Which pricing model should I choose? 12% or 15%?

The 3% difference between the two determines how often the option to book your property comes up versus how often they might see Instant Booking for Expedia or If you are not listed on any other OTAs, the 12% model is likely the best option because there are no OTAs to share the other 75% with. You can change your model after you sign up.

Why don't I see the option to book on Tripadvisor for my property?

Before you sign up, you may or may not occasionally see Tripadvisor as an option. If your property is not connected to any OTAs, you will not see Tripadvisor.
After you sign up, it may take 24-48 hours for the option to book on Tripadvisor to appear.

When I click on Tripadvisor on my page, it says, not my property?

Instant Booking is used by OTAs, not just property owners. Tripadvisor will allow OTAs and properties to take advantage of Instant Booking. When you click to book on Tripadvisor, look at the very top to see either your property,, Expedia, or one of their affiliate sites. Your property will show up at least 25% or 50% of the time, depending on which model you chose when signing up.

How do I control the rates and availability that is shared to Tripadvisor?

You cannot. Tripadvisor uses the same pricing and availability that is shared on your own website. Tripadvisor doesn't allow ThinkReservations to share separate or special pricing or availability with them. However, Tripadvisor doesn't have access to rates that require a promotion code or a customer group.

What information is shared from ThinkReservations to Tripadvisor for Instant Booking?

The following is automatically sent from your ThinkReservations account to Tripadvisor. It's not possible to modify the below information specific to Tripadvisor.

  • Room/Unit name
  • Rate Type name
  • Room photos
  • Room descriptions
  • Max Adults
  • Max Children
  • Cancellation Policy
  • Accepted Card Types
  • Rates
  • Taxes
  • Deposit Policy
  • Rate Type items
  • Default Line Items (such as cleaning fees)

What information is shared from Tripadvisor to ThinkReservations for bookings?

Reservations from Instant Booking will contain the following information:

  • Full guest name
  • Full guest physical address
  • Phone number
  • Real email address
  • Guest's credit card information securely transferred to your ThinkReservations-connected payment gateway or processor
  • Source/channel - They will show as "Tripadvisor Instant Booking" on the reservation/reports.

Why does it look like my room can hold more occupants than configured?

ThinkReservations sends max adults and max children. Tripadvisor doesn't support a "max occupants" field. However, guests will not be allowed to book if they exceed your allowed capacity in ThinkReservations.

Can a guest book a reservation with an invalid credit card?

No. ThinkReservations will have your connected processor retain and, if you charge a deposit, charge the provided card. Only once the validation/transaction is reported successful is the reservation allowed to be booked.

Can a guest modify their booking through Tripadvisor?

No. They will have a button to edit but the button will simply redirect them to your property's website.

Can a guest cancel their booking through Tripadvisor?

No. They will have a button to cancel but the button will simply redirect them to your property's website.

Can I use ThinkReservations to modify an Instant Booking reservation?

No. When an Instant Booking reservation is modified in ThinkReservations, Tripadvisor will still need to be updated manually.

Can I use ThinkReservations to cancel an Instant Booking reservation?

No. When an Instant Booking reservation is canceled in ThinkReservations, Tripadvisor will still need to be updated manually.

Can I use my Tripadvisor business portal to modify or cancel an Instant Booking reservation?

Yes and No. Changes you make in your Tripadvisor portal are updated only in the portal. They are not updated for the guest or on ThinkReservations. This tool is for reconciliation purposes only.

What do I need to do when an Instant Booking reservation cancels?

Update both ThinkReservations and Tripadvisor.

What do I need to do when an Instant Booking reservation needs to be modified?

Update the reservation manually in ThinkReservations. If the commissionable amount is less due to the modification (guest shortens their stay), make sure to also update the reservation in your Tripadvisor portal.

How can I identify Instant Booking reservations in ThinkReservations?

The calendar will show the globe icon (when enabled) to identify it's an OTA reservation. Inside the reservation, the channel (source) of the reservation will show as "Tripadvisor Instant Booking".

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